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Nickelodeon to construct submerged amusement stop in Palawan

MANILA - American kids' telecom company Nickelodeon has declared it will construct a submerged resort and amusement stop in Palawan, known as the Philippines' last natural wilderness, disturbing tree huggers.

The firm behind SpongeBob SquarePants and Dora the Explorer said the recreation center in Palawan would be a piece of a 400-hectare undersea advancement exhibiting the range's marine life that would allow fans to "collaborate with the brand and the famous characters they cherish."

Palawan was decided for the advancement since it "is known to have the absolute most excellent shorelines on the planet today," Ron Johnson, an official VP with Viacom International Media Networks, which possesses Nickelodeon, said in an announcement messaged to AFP on Tuesday.

Viacom's underlying proclamation reporting the venture on Monday said the resort would open in 2020 and highlight eateries and parlors six meters underneath ocean level.

The advancement would "advocate sea insurance," the announcement said.

Be that as it may, natural gathering Greenpeace said it would decimate the range's reality celebrated marine biological system.

"It's pitiful and disturbing in light of the fact that an amusement stop that enormous won't advance ecological security by building those structures," Vince Cinches of Greenpeace Southeast Asia told AFP. "Why assemble a survey deck when you have the entire heaven to appreciate?"

Preservation bunches call Palawan "the last outskirts" in view of its perfect coastlines and woods, which are among the most established and most assorted in Southeast Asia.

Palawan is home to two UNESCO World Heritage-recorded locales, an underground waterway and the Tubbataha coral reefs.

Palawan-based ecological lobbyist Grizelda Mayo-Anda likewise communicated concern.

"I am watchful in light of the fact that we have had issues as of now with resorts worked in mangrove territories," Mayo-Anda, official executive of the Environmental Legal Assistance Center, told AFP.

"I'm truly concerned on the grounds that occasionally, with all due regard to the nearby government unit, we get spellbound by new activities and we don't wisely concentrate the effect."

Viacom's Philippine accomplice, Coral World Park, demanded the resort would not hurt nature.

"We are taking, exceptionally cautious measures to guarantee that the biodiversity is kept in place," Coral World Park executive Paul Monozca told AFP.

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