Australian man finds A$1m lottery ticket a year on

An Australian granddad has turned into a tycoon in the wake of trading in for spendable dough a year-old lottery ticket he found while cleaning his auto.
The man, who has stayed unknown, purchased the ticket in January a year ago.
In the wake of finding the docket in a shopping sack this month, he checked his numbers on the web and acknowledged he had won an A$1,020,496 (£630,000; $780,000) prize.
"I'm happy I didn't simply get the old sacks and take them to the landfill," he said in an announcement.
The victor, from the New South Wales (NSW) city of Newcastle, said he had been "somewhat imbecilic" by disregarding his ticket for 414 days.
"I'm not stressed that I could have had the cash a year back. At any rate I have it now," he said.
The man arrangements to spend the cash on his kids' home reimbursements, and on training for his grandchildren.
Cheryl Tuckerman, who possesses the newsagents where the ticket was sold, said she was mitigated.
"You wouldn't trust what number of clients we've had coming in amid the previous year asking whether the champ had been discovered," she said.
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