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Chinese family reunites 500 members for rare photo

More than 500 individuals from one Chinese family have postured for a definitive family photograph.

The photos were taken at a Ren family get-together at Shishe town in China's eastern area of Zhejiang.

It was held a week ago amid the Lunar New Year time frame, which is normally set apart by the Chinese with huge family get-togethers and suppers.

Photographic artist Zhang Liangzong brought the photos with an automaton before basalt arrangements close Shishe.

He told the BBC that the Ren family, which starts from the town, can be followed back 851 years, however their family tree had not been upgraded for over eight decades.

Town senior citizens as of late started overhauling the family tree records and figured out how to find no less than 2,000 living relatives crossing seven eras, Mr Zhang said.

They denoted the family tree's fulfillment by holding a gigantic get-together, and figured out how to accumulate more than 500 individuals.

Picture of more than 500 individuals from the Ren family in ChinaImage copyrightZHANG LIANGZONG

Picture subtitle

The relatives postured for the photograph before extraordinary basalt developments close to the town

Relatives originated from Beijing, Shanghai, Xinjiang and Taiwan.

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Town boss Ren Tuanjie told state news organization Xinhua: "One reason was to comprehend where our relatives have spread to, where they have wound up and where they live, to record to our progenitors."

"Furthermore, another reason was likewise to let relatives everywhere throughout the nation know their foundations, so that wherever they go they won't overlook where they originate from," said Mr Ren, who has a place with the 26th era of Rens and whose name happens to signify "get-together" in Chinese.

Albeit vast family photographs are normal, numerous in China were shocked the size of the Rens' photos, which were highlighted broadly in national media and provoked features, for example, "Do these relatives even know each other?".

There were additionally jokes in abundance on microblogging system Weibo. "Consider the possibility that they meet somebody they like in the gathering. Would they be able to in any case get hitched?" asked one client.

Others made reference to the Chinese custom of grown-ups giving cash in red parcels to youngsters amid the new year. "When they give out red parcels, will they begin to cry?" said one Weibo client.

"The most youthful relatives will gather New Year's cash until their hands go feeble," clowned another analyst.

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