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Robert Harward turns down Trump's national security adviser offer

US President Donald Trump's decision for national security consultant has turned down the employment offer.

Resigned Vice-Admiral Robert Harward was broadly tipped for the post after Mr Trump terminated Michael Flynn on Monday.

A White House official said Mr Harward refered to family and money related duties, however US media said the staying point was he needed to get his own particular group.

Mr Flynn had deceived US Vice-President Mike Pence over his discussions with Russia's represetative to the US.

The most recent difficulty rose hours after Mr Trump vigorously precluded media reports from claiming White House confuse, demanding in a news meeting that his organization was running like a "tweaked machine".

The White House is relied upon to name its new correspondences executive on Friday, and US media say the employment will go to Mike Dubke, the originator of Republican media amass Crossroads Media.

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Mr Harward told the Associated Press the Trump organization was "extremely pleasing to my necessities, both professionally and by and by".

"It's absolutely an individual issue," included the 60-year-old previous Navy Seal who is as of now situated in Abu Dhabi as an official for US protection contractual worker Lockheed Martin.

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Gotten some information about reports that he had made a request to acquire his own staff at the National Security Council, Mr Harward stated: "I imagine that is for the president to address."

Mr Flynn, a resigned armed force lieutenant-general, was removed in the midst of cases that before he was even delegated as national security counselor he had talked about approvals with a Russian emissary.

This would have possibly broken a law forbidding private natives from taking part in tact.

Mr Flynn at first denied having talked about assents with Sergei Kislyak, Moscow's minister to Washington.

Be that as it may, on Monday, Mr Trump requested his acquiescence taking after disclosures that Mr Flynn had misdirected the VP about his discussions with the representative.

Driving Republicans have required an examination concerning insight releases that prompted to Mr Flynn's acquiescence.

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