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Mia Ayliffe-Chung: Backpacker's mum slams Trump 'terror' claim

The mother of a hiker who was wounded to death in Australia has scrutinized the White House for naming her demise a "dread assault".

Mia Ayliffe-Chung, 20, who was slaughtered at an inn in Queensland in August, did not pass on therefore of fear mongering, police have said.

Regardless of this, her passing was incorporated on a rundown of 78 charged "fear" assaults discharged by the Trump organization.

Rosie Ayliffe said Mia's passing must not be utilized to oppress honest individuals.

How the BBC secured Trump's rundown of 'under-revealed' dread assaults

The White House discharged the rundown of assaults to go down Mr Trump's claim the media was "under-revealing" assaults conferred or propelled by the Islamic State assemble.

Rosie AyliffeImage copyrightABC

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Rosie Ayliffe said entire country states ought not be attacked in light of religion

The rundown incorporated the Bataclan theater assault in Paris, the shootings in Sousse, Tunisia, which slaughtered 30 British vacationers, and Ms Ayliffe-Chung's murder.

The 20 year old, from Wirksworth, passed on from various cut injuries, amid the assault at Home Hill, close Townsville.

Australian police have precluded the likelihood her demise - which was generally revealed by media in the UK and abroad - was the aftereffect of a dread assault.

Mr Trump's remarks come in the midst of a lawful offer by his organization to reestablish a travel restriction on guests and displaced people from seven prevalently Muslim nations.

In an open letter to the president, Mrs Ayliffe stated: "Regarding settlers as expendable wares and dismissing their wellbeing causes passings all through our purported cultivated world."

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