Mosul offensive: Iraqi army resumes advance on IS bastion

Iraqi government powers have continued their push towards western Mosul, the last real fortress of alleged Islamic State (IS) in Iraq.
Mounted guns discharge could be heard out yonder, reports the BBC's Quentin Sommerville, who is implanted with government troops.
Propelling the operation on Sunday, the armed force grabbed a few towns.
The eastern piece of the city was freed from IS a month ago after substantial battling.
A huge number of troops are included in the ambush, upheld by mounted guns and air control.
Their advance has been backed off by gigantic extemporized hazardous gadgets planted by IS along the course of the hostile, our reporter says.
Bomb transfer groups are being utilized to clear them.
An Iraqi rocket launcher close Mosul, 20 February
Picture subtitle
Rocket launchers are being utilized by the armed force
In their strike, Iraqi warriors have been utilizing overwhelming weapons, including rocket launchers, our journalist includes.
Take after Quentin Sommerville on Twitter
Iraqi powers have now everything except encompassed the western piece of Mosul.
Concern has been voiced by the UN about the welfare of regular people caught in Mosul, in the midst of reports that they could number up to 650,000.
Handouts cautioning inhabitants of an impending hostile were prior dropped over the west of the city.
The very beginning in pictures
Photographs demonstrate 'weaponised automatons' in Iraq
Satellite pictures uncover Mosul harm
Military authorities say the western side of the city, with its tight, winding avenues, may demonstrate a greater test than the east.
They say that western Mosul, albeit somewhat littler than the east, is all the more thickly populated and incorporates locale that are viewed as master Seems to be.
All extensions from that point toward the west of the city, over the Tigris stream, were pulverized.
The hostile against the eastern piece of the city was propelled on 17 October, over two years after jihadists overran Mosul before seizing control of quite a bit of northern and western Iraq.
The UN said in late January that half of the considerable number of losses in Mosul were regular citizens.
No less than 1,096 have been murdered and 694 harmed crosswise over Nineveh territory since the begin of October.
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