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Tony Blair calls for people to 'rise up' against Brexit

Tony Blair is to declare his "main goal" to influence Britons to "ascend" and alter their opinions on Brexit.

The previous leader will state in a discourse later that individuals voted in the submission "without information of the genuine terms of Brexit".

He will state he needs to "manufacture bolster for finding an exit plan from the present surge over the bluff's edge".

However, previous Cabinet serve Iain Duncan Smith said Mr Blair's remarks were egotistical and absolutely undemocratic.

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Bringing down Street has said it is "completely dedicated" to seeing Brexit through.

Head administrator Theresa May needs to trigger formal Brexit talks before the finish of March - a move which was upheld in the House of Commons by MPs a week ago.

'Uncover tirelessly'

Mr Blair, who was UK head administrator in the vicinity of 1997 and 2007, will state in his discourse to the star European crusade gather Open Britain that those driving a withdrawal from the European Union "constantly needed a hard Brexit".

"Without a doubt even the term 'Hard Brexit' requires change. The arrangement is presently 'Brexit at any cost'," he will state.

"Our test is to uncover, persistently, the real cost.

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